Spectral images as well as color images observed from object surfaces are much influenced by various illumination\r\nconditions such as shading and specular highlight. Several invariant representations were proposed for these\r\nconditions using the standard dichromatic reflection model of dielectric materials. However, these representations\r\nare inadequate for other materials like metal. This article proposes an invariant representation that is derived from\r\nthe standard dichromatic reflection model for dielectric and the extended dichromatic reflection model for metal.\r\nWe show that a normalized surface-spectral reflectance by the minimum reflectance is invariant to highlights,\r\nshading, surface geometry, and illumination intensity. Here the illumination spectrum and the spectral sensitivity\r\nfunctions of the imaging system are measured in a separate way. As an application of the proposed invariant\r\nrepresentation, a segmentation algorithm based on the proposed representation is presented for effectively\r\nsegmenting spectral images of natural scenes and bare circuit boards.